Muleshoe Mules vs. Canadian Wildcats Bi-District Basketball February 18, 2014
SportsSee highlights of the Muleshoe Mules vs. Canadian Wildcats Bi-district Basketball Game held on February 18, 2014, at Canyon Randall High School in Amarillo, Texas. The Canadian Wildcats beat Muleshoe 53-62 and the Mules end the season 18-13. Pre-game, halftime and post-game updates by the voice of the Muleshoe Mules Bob Graves. Gil Lamb Advertising coverage of Muleshoe basketball sponsored by Barrett Potato Farms, Bailey County Electric Cooperative, Hereford Feed Ingredients, United Supermarkets, Muleshoe State Bank, Muleshoe Vet Supply/Animal Clinic, Precure Electric, McDonald’s Restaurant, Wilson Drilling, Muleshoe Independent School District, Leal’s Tortilla Factory and Muleshoe Housing Authority.