Toast to Texas Celebrating Texas Independence Day 2013
Latest VideosSee the Toast to Texas program celebrating Texas Independence Day sponsored by the Jennyslippers held on March 5, 2013, in the Bailey County Courthouse. Fourth graders from Mary DeShazo Elementary were special guests. Program includes Chairman Nelda Merriott, Welcome by Master of Cermonies Irene Mason, Toast to Texas by Principal of DeShazo Elementary Debbie Gallman, Posting of Colors by 4th Grade Junior Girl Scouts, Texas History by Superintendent of Muleshoe ISD Dr. Gene Sheets, Texas Trivia by Irene Mason, Waltz Across Texas Dance Exhibit by Kristi Pederson, Singing of Texas our Texas and the Eyes of Texas Are Upon You lead by Irene Mason, Thank You by President of the Jennyslippers Bobbie Harrison.