Restore Us in Steadfast Love – Muleshoe Methodist, July 14, 2024

First Methodist

Hear the Sunday Morning Worship Service including the message “Restore Us in Steadfast Love” by David McAbee from the Muleshoe Methodist Church on July 14, 2024. Order of Worship: Welcome and Announcements – Chuck Smith, Call to Worship – This is a Day of New Beginnings, Pastoral Prayer – David McAbee, Offertory/Doxology, Children’s Moment, Sharing Blessings and Celebrations – Terry Marricle, Songs of Praise – My Tribute and The Steadfast Love of the Lord, Message “Restore Us in Steadfast Love” Psalm 51:1-12 by David McAbee, Song of Response – A Charge To Keep I Have, Benediction – David McAbee, and Sending Out – Let Us Now Depart in Thy Peace.

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