Have Courage in God – Muleshoe Methodist, June 30, 2024

First Methodist

Hear the Sunday Morning Worship Service including the message “Have Courage in God” by David McAbee from the Muleshoe Methodist Church on June 30, 2024. Order of Worship: Welcome and Announcements – Cheyenne Cage, Call to Worship – God is Good All the Time, Pastoral Prayer – David McAbee, Offertory/Doxology, Children’s Moment – Lori Bales, Sharing Blessings and Celebrations – Terry Marricle, Songs of Praise – God Bless America and God of Grace and God of Glory, Message “Have Courage in God” Psalm 27:1-14 by David McAbee, Song of Response – Standing on the Promises, Benediction – David McAbee, and Sending Out – As We Go.

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