The Minors: Setting the Plumb Line – Muleshoe Methodist, June 9, 2024

First Methodist

Hear the Sunday Morning Worship Service including the message “The Minors: Setting the Plumb Line” by David McAbee from the Muleshoe Methodist Church on June 9, 2024. Order of Worship: Welcome and Announcements – Gayla Gear, Call to Worship – Blessed Be the Name, Pastoral Prayer – David McAbee, Offertory/Doxology, Children’s Moment – Sally Messenger, Sharing Blessings and Celebrations – Terry Marricle, Songs of Praise – Great Is Thy Faithfulness and Praise the Lord the Almighty, Message “The Minors: Setting the Plumb Line” Amos 7:1-11 by David McAbee, Song of Response – They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love, Benediction – David McAbee, and Sending Out – As We Go.

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