The Minors: Habakkuk’s Prayer – Muleshoe Methodist, May 26, 2024

First Methodist

Hear the Sunday Morning Worship Service including the message “The Minors: Habakkuk’s Prayer” by David McAbee from the Muleshoe Methodist Church on May 26, 2024. Order of Worship: Welcome and Announcements – Joyce Scott, Call to Worship – Knowing You, Pastoral Prayer – David McAbee, Offertory/Doxology, Children’s Moment – Jaime Davis, Sharing Blessings and Celebrations – Terry Marricle, Songs of Praise – Shout to the Lord and He is Exalted, Message “The Minors: Habakkuk’s Prayer” Habakkuk 3:8-19 by David McAbee, Song of Response – The Voice of God is Calling, Benediction – David McAbee, and Sending Out – Sweet, Sweet Spirit.

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