The Promise of Perseverance – First Methodist Muleshoe, November 6, 2022

First Methodist

Hear the Sunday Morning Worship Service including the message “The Promise of Perseverance” by David McAbee at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, from November 6, 2022. Order of Worship: Welcome and Announcements – Jay Messenger, Call to Worship – For All the Saints, Pastoral Prayer – David McAbee, Offertory/Doxology, Children’s Corner – Jaimie Davis, Sharing Blessings and Celebrations – Terry Marricle, Songs of Praise – O Lord, You’re Beautiful and Seek Ye First, Message “The Promise of Perseverance” Hebrews 12:1-12 by David McAbee, Communion – Come Sinners to the Gospel Feast and In Remembrance of Me, Song of Response – Trust and Obey, Benediction – David McAbee and Sending Out – Bind Us Together.


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