First Baptist Muleshoe Livestream for Sunday, August 29, 2021

First Baptist

See the First Baptist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, Livestream of their Sunday Morning Worship Service beginning at 11a.m. on August 29, 2021, that will include the message “Looking and Forgetting, Doing and Remembering” James 1:17-27 by Dr. Stacy Conner.

2 Responses to “First Baptist Muleshoe Livestream for Sunday, August 29, 2021”

  1. Karen Jimenez Says:

    Stacy & staff, I missed your services and started watching online again, something about your church makes me feel closer to Michel, even though Kylie and the kids have moved to east Texas I still feel a strong connection with your church and your online services give me a feeling of closeness I really appreciate that and hope you continue to deliver online services because you are reaching this women in Kentucy LOL.

  2. admin Says:

    Thanks so much Karen and I am glad you are watching with us online. I will make sure Stacy gets your message!
    Gil Rennels
    Gil Lamb Advertising/Channel 6

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