Muleshoe City Council Meeting Livestream, March 8, 2021

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See the livestream of the Muleshoe City Council Meeting on Monday, March 8, 2021, beginning at 5:30p.m. Items on the agenda include: 1. Approval of Minutes a. Council Meeting February 8, 2021. 2. Receive the 2019-2020 audit report – Randall L. Field. 3. Consider appointment of Election judges for the City General/Special Election to be held May 1, 2021. 4. Consider recommendation from Muleshoe Economic Development Corporation for the renewal of a one year contract with Leading EDG 5. Consider Resolution No. R-772-0321 suspending Southwestern Public Service Company’s rate case. 6. Consider Ordinance O-526-0321 franchise agreement with Southwestern Public Service (Xcel Energy). 7. Receive Financial Statement for the month ending February 28, 2021. 8. Administrative Reports: a. The city held a wellness clinic on February 9th. We had 33 employees and dependents participate. b. The TML Region III Meeting will be March 25th, at 11:00 am, it is a virtual/Zoom meeting. 9. Mayor and Council remarks. 10. Adjourn.

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