Muleshoe City Council Meeting April 9, 2018
Latest VideosSee the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on March 12, 2018, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the agenda includes: 1. Approval of Minutes from March 12, 2018. 2. Consider Resolution R-737-0418 – Housing Rehabilitation Program Affirmative Marketing. 3. Consider request from Muleshoe Roadriders for Hotel/Motel tax funds for the promotion of the 2018 Muleshoe Roadriders Motorcycle Rally. 4. Receive Investment Summary and Financial Statement for the quarter ending March 31, 2018. 5. Administrative Reports: a. Work continues on the new lift station. b. We will have a pre-construction meeting on the ground storage tank project on April 11th. c. Staff and council member Behrends attended the TML Region III meeting in Lubbock on March 29th. The program was on code compliance. 6. Mayor and Council Remarks. 7. Adjourn.