Muleshoe City Council Meeting October 9, 2017
Latest VideosSee the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on October 9, 2017, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the agenda: 1. Approval of Minutes of September 11, 2017 Meeting 2. Consider Ordinance No. O-502-1017 Amending Appendix A – Fee Schedule 3. Consider Resolution R-732-1017 Bank Signatories 4. Consider Resolution R-733-1017 submission of an application for Home grant. 5. Consider recommendation from Muleshoe Economic Development Board for appointments to that board. 6. Consider request for Hotel/Motel Tax Funds from Kenzi Green/Merry Market. 7. Receive investment report and financial statement for the quarter ending September 30, 2017. 8. Administrative Reports: a. Councilmember Bamert has moved and therefore he will no longer serve in his position as City Council member. b. Staff and council members attended the annual Texas Municipal League Conference in Houston last week. c. The Airport Advisory Board met on September 28th. The board looked at the apartment and what would be needed to transform that into a pilot’s lounge. They also looked at the new hangar space, discussed hangar rental fees and a courtesy car. d. The Muleshoe Chamber of Commerce Fire & Ice event will be October 21st at the Bailey County Coliseum. e. Leadership Muleshoe will be November 2, 2017. The first half of the day for businesses will be held at the Muleshoe Training Facility and the second half at Muleshoe High School for high school students. 9. Mayor and Council Remarks 10. Adjourn