Muleshoe City Council Meeting August 14, 2017
Latest VideosSee the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on August 14, 2017, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the agenda: 1. Approval of Minutes a. July 10, 2017 2. Consider cut off policy – Councilman Behrends 3. Consider Ordinance O-497-0817 adopting City Charter Document. 4. Consider Ordinance O-498-0817 adopting Right of Way ordinance. 5. Consider Ordinance O-499-0817 adopting Design Plan ordinance. 6. Consider and award bids for lift station. 7. Consider construction of additional hanger at Muleshoe Municipal Airport. 8. Consider Lease Agreement with Muleshoe Country Club. 9. Consider proposing tax rate for FY 2017/2018 budget. 10. Set date for public hearing for 2017/2018 budget. 11. Order City Special Election to be held on November 7, 2017. 12. Receive Financial Statement for the month ending July 31, 2017. 13. Administrative Reports: a. The City of Muleshoe hosted a blood drive on July 24, 2017. They had 15 contacts and collected 12 units of blood. b. The TML Annual Conference will be in Houston on October 3-6. Early registration deadline is August 17th. c. Movie in the Park will be Thursday, August 17, 2017, and Space Jam will be shown. d. The Muleshoe Water Park will close for the season on August 19th. e. We have received notification that Reach Broadband will increase rates as of September 1, 2017. f. The newly appointed Airport Advisory Board met on August 7, 2017. Brett Bamert was elected Chair with Chad Armstrong as Vice Chair. The purpose of the advisory board as well as the operation of the airport were discussed. g. LeAnn texted with council last week asking for you to contact our representative on SB 1. h. Muleshoe received a scoring on the Community Development Block Grant that was applied for recently and ranked 7th out of 15 who applied for the grant. i. The SPAG annual meeting will be September 13th in Lubbock. 14. Mayor and Council remarks 15. Executive Session – Closed Session in accordance with Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated, Government, Section 551.074 Personnel Matters – City Manager Evaluation. 16. Adjourn