Muleshoe City Council Meeting October 10, 2016
Latest VideosSee the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on October 10, 2016, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the Agenda: 1. Approval of Minutes a. Council Meeting September 12, 2016 2. Consider Ordinance No. O-489-1016 authorizing the issuance of City of Muleshoe, Texas Tax and Waterworks and Sewer System (Limited Pledge) Revenue Certificates of Obligation 3. Consider Resolution
R-719-1016 Amending Authorized Representatives in TexPool 4. Receive Investment Report and Financial Statement for the quarter ending September 30, 2016 5. Administrative Reports: a. The City hosted a blood drive on September 14, 2016. There were 19 contacts and 19 units of blood were collected. b. The City received a letter from Reach Broadband regarding a notice sent to customers advising them of a 3% rate increase. 6. Mayor and Council remarks. 7. Adjourn