Muleshoe City Council Meeting March 14, 2016
Latest VideosSee the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on March 14, 2016, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the agenda: 1. Approval of Minutes from February 8, 2016 and February 16, 2016, 2. Consider Resolution No. R-713-0316 Suspension of the Southwestern Public Service Rate Case, 3. Consider Resolution No. R-714-0316 Settlement of Atmos Energy Rate Case, 4. Consider Resolution No. R-715-0316 Change name of City’s Chief Executive Officer for HOME Grant Program, 5. Consider Cancellation of General Election for City District #1, 6. Consider Appointment of Election Judges for City General Election and City Special Election to be held May 7, 2016, 7. Consider approval of changes to the monthly dues to be charged by Muleshoe Country Club as stated by the Lease Agreement between the City of Muleshoe and the Muleshoe Country Club, 8. Administrative Reports: a. Code Enforcement/Animal Control has been moved to the Police Department. Jesse Parks has been hired for that position. b. The City held a Blood Drive on March 2, 2016. They registered 20 people and collected 17 units. c. Sylvester Torres will be retiring on March 31st after 40 years with the City. A reception will be held there in the council chambers on March 29th from 3-4:30p.m. d. The TML Region 3 quarterly meeting will be March 24th at the Scottish Rite Learning Center in Lubbock. 9. Mayor and Council Remarks, 10. Adjourn