Sweethearts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henry


Happy 60th Anniversary to our Sweethearts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henry.  The Sweetheart program is brought to you by Hereford Feed Ingredients.

One Response to “Sweethearts Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Henry”

  1. Ingle Gatewood Says:

    Congratulations to the Henry’s….
    Darlene and Marlene were classmates of mine since the first grade there in Muleshoe….
    The first grade had two rooms…a Mrs. Cox and Mrs Deshazo…they along with others continued on thru high school…graduating in 1955…
    Wonderful to hear someone married for 60 years.

    wishing you much happiness in the years to come.
    If you think about it …it seems like only yesterday.

    best wishes.

    Ingle Gatewood
    Hamilton texas

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