Hear the message “Called to Serve” Acts 6:1-17 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 30, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Where Has This Come From?” Acts 5:27-42 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 23, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Living a New Life” Acts 5:17-26 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 16, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Persevering to the End” Hebrews 10:19-25 at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 9, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
The Scripture Way to Salvation – First Methodist Muleshoe, August 2, 2015
First Methodist No CommentsHear the message “The Scripture Way to Salvation” Matthew 25:31- 46 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 2, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “The Next Step” Luke 4:18, Matthew 28:19-20, by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 26, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message by Justin Stice from the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 19, 2015. Vist them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Check Yes or No” Ephesians 2:8-10 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 12, 2015. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Longing for Something More” 1 Peter 1:13-16 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 5, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Revival Needed” Revelation 2:2-5 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on June 28, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe