Hear the message “Grace to Belong” 1 John 3:1 by Reverend Mindy McLanhan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 15, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe]
Hear the message “Led By the Holy Spirit” Acts 8:26-40 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on October 8, 2015. Make sure to like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Making All Things New” Revelation 21:1-5 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 1, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “New Opportunities” Acts 8:4-5 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on October 25, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “A Beatitude for Today” Matthew 5:1-12 by Julie Cage at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on October 18, 2015. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Comfort or Courage?” Acts 7:54-8:3 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on October 11, 2015. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
United at the Table of Grace – First Methodist Muleshoe, October 4, 2015
First Methodist No CommentsHear the message “United at the Table of Grace” Ephesians 4:1-6 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on October 4, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “‘The Story’ by Stephen” Acts 7:51-53 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on September 27, 2015. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “The Arrest of Stephen” Acts 6:8-15 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on September 20, 2015. Vist them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Following Jesus” Matthew 4:18-22 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on September 13, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe