Hear the message “Sharing the Good News” Acts 9:32-43 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, from January 31, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Saul’s Discipleship” Acts 9:19b-31 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 24, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Saul’s Conversion” Acts 9:1-19 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 17, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message by the First United Methodist Church Youth Director Hunter Hawkins on January 10, 2016. Visit the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Wise Men and Women” Matthew 2:1-12 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 3, 2016. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Unwanted Journeys” Luke 2:1-7 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on December 20, 2015. Find them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Remember” Luke 22:14-20 by the Reverend Richard Edwards at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on December 13, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “God With Us” Luke 1:26-38 by Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Chuch of Muleshoe, Texas, on December 6, 2015. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Message by Sally Messenger – First Methodist Muleshoe, November 29, 2015
First Methodist No CommentsHear the message by Sally Messenger at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 29, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message by guest speaker Michael Nudelman from the Texas Boys Ranch at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 22, 2015. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe