Hear the message “What’s Most Important” 1 John 4:7-12 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 29, 2017. Visit them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Come and See” John 1:35-39 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 22, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “D-NOW 2017” by Hunter Hawkins at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 15, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Giving Our Gifts” Matthew 2:1-2, 11, by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 8, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “How About a Challenge?” Luke 2:1-10 by Hunter Hawkins at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on January 1, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the Christmas Day Worship Service from the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on December 25, 2016. Welcome & Announcements by Jay Messenger, Opening Prayer, Opening Song – Joy to the World, Sharing Our Celebrations by Terry Marricle, Chidren’s Moment by Lori Bales, Offertory and Doxology, Message in Lessons and Carols – Luke 1:26-33, O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Matthew 1:18-25, Emmanuel, Emmanuel, Luke 2:1-7, Away in a Manger, Luke 2:8-16, Angels We Have Heard on High, Matthew 2:1-11, We Three Kings, John 1:1-14, O Come, All Ye Faithful, Video: The Call of Christmas by the Skit Guy. Song of Response – Go, Tell it on the Mountain, Benediction, Sending Out – Go, Tell it on the Mountain.
Hear the message “Called to Protect” Matthew 1:18-25 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on December 18, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, Sunday morning worship service including the children’s program “Mundane to Miraculous” directed by Sally Messenger on December 11, 2016. Make sure to like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “A Call to Prepare” Luke 1:11-17 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 27, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
What Does Jesus Have to do with Thanksgiving? – First Methodist Muleshoe, November 20, 2016
First Methodist No CommentsHear the message “What Does Jesus Have to do with Thanksgiving?” Luke 17:11-19 by the Reverend Mindy McLanahan at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on November 20, 2016. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe