Hear the message “Scandalous Faith” by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on September 10, 2017. Includes scripture reading from Matthew 16:21-28 by Barry Coker. Like the First United Methodis Church on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “We Receive Your Rain” Hosea 6:1-3 by Hunter Hawkins at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 27, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Olympic Faith” Hebrews 11:29-12:2 by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 20, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Faith Trekking” Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16, by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 13, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Our Mission and Purpose” Esther 4:9-14 and Luke 10:1-9 by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on August 6, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “From Vision to Mission” Exodus 3:1-10 and John 13:12-14 by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 30, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
See our interview with the Reverend and Mrs. Tom Carter, new First United Methodist pastor in Muleshoe and Earth, brought to you by United Supermarkets for our Meet Your Neighbor program. You are invited to join the First United Methodist Church in Muleshoe for Sunday School at 9:45a.m. and Sunday Worship at 11a.m.
Hear the message “Dreams and Visions – Part 3” Acts 10:9-20, 34-39 & 44-48 by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 23, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Committed or Not?” Genesis 12:1-5 and Luke 9:57-62 by the Reverend Tom Carter at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on July 2, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe
Hear the message “Looking to the Future” Isaiah 43:18-19A by the Reverend Tom Carter new minister at the First United Methodist Church of Muleshoe, Texas, on June 25, 2017. Like them on Facebook at http://facebook.com/fumcmuleshoe