Muleshoe City Council Meeting January 15, 2018

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See the Muleshoe City Council Meeting held on January 15, 2018, at City Hall in Muleshoe, Texas. Items on the agenda include: 1. Approval of Minutes of Council Meeting on December 11, 2017. 2. Consider request for Hotel/Motel Tax Funds from the Muleshoe Art Association. 3. Consider awarding bid on dump truck. 4. Receive financial statement and investment summary for the month ending December 31, 2017. 5. Administrative Reports: a. Bid were opened on Thursday, Jan 11th for the ground storage tanks, but those bids are still being reviewed. b. Work has begun on the new lift station. c. The new hangar at the airport will be completed in the next week. We will begin to collect rent on that hangar February 1st. d. the conversion of the airport apartment to a pilot lounge is nearing completion. e. Kasey Coker, Director of Economic Development, has been election Muleshoe Chamber of Commerce President. f. Thank you to Bailey County Electric, Five Area Telephone and Excel Energy for their assistance to the City of Muleshoe Public Works Department in putting up and taking down of the Christmas decorations. 6. Mayor and Council Remarks. 7. Adjourn.

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